Even this young Californian now knows the score:

An excerpt below from his article "Hitler was a liberal"

When liberals are not trying to pass Nazism off as "fascism," they are attempting to pass it off as an extreme form of "conservatism" and an inexorable byproduct of Christianity. In 2003, on his show ''Scarborough Country,'' former congressman and current MSNBC personality Joe Scarborough shed light on a college textbook that grouped Rush Limbaugh and Ronald Reagan with Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini as "conservatives." Now how exactly could Hitler, a man who was a strong supporter of social welfare programs, gun control, animal rights, government funding for the arts, and bans against smoking in public get away with being called a "conservative"?

The reason is simple. Liberals are such shameless liars and persistent revisionists that they will malign anyone they disagree with as Hitleresque, from the spastic Iraq war protestors comparing George W. Bush to Hitler to Sen. Dick Durbin comparing American troops to "Nazis." Perhaps this is on account of the equivalence of their deep-seated rejection of God to Hitler's militant rejection of God, which led to one of the ugliest mass murders in human history. But wait a minute, wasn't Hitler a Christian also?

Well, if being a Christian means claiming the role of God for one's self and coercing the subjects of one's rule to shake off their beliefs in Christ and pledge a new allegiance to the Third Reich, then perhaps Hitler was a Christian. But this certainly doesn't explain why the Nazis harassed, arrested, tortured, and murdered Christian clergymen for espousing their beliefs, or for that matter why during the first five years of the Nazis' rule a majority of concentration camp inmates were Christians, Jews being late arrivals for the most part, nor does it explain why on November 4, 1936, the Nazis ordered the removal of crucifixes from schools in the Oldenburg area on account of the notion that they were "symbols of superstition."

To set the record straight: Hitler was not a Christian, the Nazis were not Christians, Nazi Germany was not a Christian theocracy. It was a militant secularist, socialist regime that championed the sovereignty of man rather than the sovereignty of God. In February 1937, Hanns Kerrl, minister of religion in the Third Reich said: "The question of the divinity of Christ is ridiculous and inessential. A new answer has arisen as to what Christ and Christianity are: Adolph Hitler." University Nazis in Keil wrote in 1935: "We Germans are heathens and want no more Jewish religion in our Germany. We no longer believe in the Holy Ghost; we believe in the Holy Blood." Baldur von Schirach, head of the Hitler Youth, before World War II said, "Our religion is Germany." In fact, grace before meals given to poor children by the Nazi Welfare Committee ended "For this food, my Fuehrer, my thanks I render." Maybe I'm just confused, but I can't precisely recall Jesus ever taking on the name of "Fuehrer" but then maybe I haven't reading my college textbooks closely enough....

For more on the claim that Hitler was a Christian, see here


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