Calling MrLefty – Is that You?

Trawling, trawling, as one does, I came across this rather intriguing little snippet on Andrew Bolt’s (popular Melbourne conservative columnist with Melbourne’s Herald Sun) daily forum:

Comment: Hi Andrew, This morning I accidentally clicked on a blogsite: boltwatch gave me the biggest laugh. Are these people for real?? I suppose you have seen the above, I'm fairly new to your forum and hav'nt come across anti - andrew blogsites before and can't believe the drival these people spit out. They must be pretty scared of the truth and commonsense when they have to devote that much energy into keeping an eye on Andrew Bolt.

All of these blogsites seem to be of the same vein: Bad research, a poor grasp of reality, quick to believe any plot, floral language, name calling etc etc. It seems that having a debate based on facts has become a thing of the past. Keep up the good work Andrew its nice to see a journalist with commonsense (probably a disability in todays world!!)

Andrew [Bolt] replies: Funnier is how the anonymous author, XXXX [Ed: my Xs], hurriedly cleaned up the site, removing the more obviously defamatory postings, the instant he was publicly identified. I've just looked at what's left, and while it still does him discredit, it gives me great comfort. If this is the worst that can be done to me by people who want most to do it, I'm travelling very well indeed.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. . .

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