This is News

Anyone ever heard of this 'project', but now that we hear the conclusion, perhaps it was better that few of us knew about it. Not that we would hear anything about this from the left infested media, doesn't matter really, most of us already know the truth about Castro's Commie Leftopia.

The European Parliament believes that the EU-Cuba diplomacy project has failed, and urges for a tougher Brussels stance on the commmunist regime in Havana.

MEPs on Thursday (2 February) adopted a resolution denouncing the lack of respect for human rights on Cuba.

Oooohhhhhh, I'm sure old Castro's knees are shaking.

"Scores of independent journalists, peaceful dissidents and upholders of human rights are still being held in jail in subhuman conditions," the parliament resolution says.

Thanks RWDB

I wonder, given that diplomacy has failed, if the mighty European Parliament will now vote for an air strike on the old commie, afterall, I repeat, diplomacy has failed.

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