No "absolute moral authority" for him!

Once upon a time, there was a mother named Cindy, who had a son named Casey, who went to war. He wasn't drafted, he volunteered for duty. When a soldier was needed for a dangerous mission, again, he volunteered. On that mission, he was killed.

Cindy was very upset, and sought to blame the people responsible. Not the terrorists who entered Iraq to violently deprive the Iraqi people of self-governance, but the Republican party and President Bush, who declared war on them.

There were lots of people in the media and the democratic party who thought this was a lovely idea, and they gave Cindy lots of lovely attention. One very important journalist even made Cindy into royalty, granting her absolute moral authority. They went camping and the whole world was forced to watch.

Some mothers who also lost sons in Iraq disagreed with Cindy's decision to blame George Bush. This made Cindy very mad. But then people started calling her "Mother" Sheehan, and that made her very happy. It wasn't the same as being deified, but it was close enough (for now).

So Cindy went to Washington, and the world tagged along. Cindy launched a book... but at the book signing, nobody came. Except the media. They love Cindy. They love her so much that when she became a self-appointed "ambassador for peace" and went to Europe, they came too! While there, Cindy receieved some transmissions from her Raelian friends, and declared that George Bush was "10 times the terrorist that Osama Bin Laden was". Nobody thought that was silly, because of her absolute moral authority.

Then, when Cindy went to visit Uncle Chavez, they were there to watch them snuggle. Nobody believed that she was there solely because Uncle Chavez hates America. They were just Repugnican lies.

Now Cindy may be running for the senate, and the media is very, very excited.

Of course, there are always mothers and fathers of dead sons who disagree with Mother Sheehan. For some reason, they can't recognise her as the Risen Christ. Here's one such crazy parent, who seems to have a problem with terrorists blowing up his young son, and with the leftist media/movie industries who glorify them:
In Paradise Now
by Yossi Zur

This month, the Palestinian movie Paradise Now won the Golden Globe award. The movie shows the route that two young Palestinians take to become suicide murderers, up until the minute they board a bus in Tel Aviv filled with children.

The movie looks professional. It was made with great attention to detail, but it is extremely dangerous - not only to the Middle East, but to the whole world.

My son Asaf, almost 17 years old, was a high-school student in the eleventh grade who loved computer science. One day, after school, he boarded a bus home, as usual. Along the way, a suicide murderer from Hebron, 21 years old, a computer science student at the Hebron Polytechnic, exploded on the bus.

17 people were killed, nine of them schoolchildren 18 years old or less.

My son Asaf was killed on the spot.

I watched the movie Paradise Now trying to understand what it was trying to say, what message it carries. That the murderer is human? He is not. That he has doubts? He has none. After all, he is willing to kill himself along with his victims. That the Israelis are to blame for this brutal killing? Are the Israelis to blame for the Twin Towers in New York, the night club in Indonesia, the hotel in Egypt, the shop in Turkey, the restaurant in Morocco or in Tunis, the hotel in Jordan, the underground in London, the train in Spain? And the list goes on and on.

What makes this movie award-worthy? Would the people who awarded this movie the Golden Globe do the same if the movie was about young people from Saudi Arabia who learn how to fly airplanes in the USA, and then use Islamic rituals to prepare themselves for their holy mission, crashing their airplanes into the Twin Towers in New York City? Would this movie get an award then?

This movie tries to say that suicide murder is legitimate when you feel you have exhausted all other means. But a suicide murderer who boards a bus kills 15 or 20 innocent people, so how about a suicide murderer who walks into a city with a biological bomb and kills 10,000 people or 100,000 people? Is that still legitimate? Where does one draw the line?

I believe that the world should draw the line at one person. The killing of even one person is not legitimate. My son was almost 17 years old, he loved surfing, he loved loud music. Now he is gone because a suicide murderer decided it's legitimate to blow himself up on a crowded bus.
Just another one of those useless Jews who don't hate their Jewishness, Israel or America.

No wonder the media doesn't want anything to do with him.

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