The kid-haters

Kid-haters are surprisingly common, as the excerpt below notes. They always amuse me, though, because their own attitudes will cause them to die out. They are merely a passing evolutionary dead-end. They have not died out so far because there was a lot of pressure on women to have children once, whether they wanted children or not. Now that pressure is mostly gone, however, such women will cease to reproduce and future generations will be rid of their quaint egocentric attitudes

"There has been much gloomy beard-tugging in recent years about the demographic decline of Western countries. Though it is true that parents in the U.S. are managing to replace themselves--unlike, for example, Europeans--we do not live in an era of big families. Today fewer than 10% of Americans live in households of five or more people and only 1.8% in families of seven or more.

That means that if your family consists of a mother and father and five children, you live where I do, which is statistically on the lunatic fringe. "Omigod, five kids?" people gasp when I tell them. "Are you nuts?"... Mr. Quaid is touching on something that members of large families do encounter: the awareness that they cause a sensation in public. From some passersby come fond glances. From others, thinly veiled hostility. "People always tense up when they see a big family coming," observes our 11-year-old, a veteran observer of adult fastidiousness... Some adults flare their nostrils with distaste at the sight of even one child.

Little wonder then, that large families will come in for hard looks from those who believe that they are overpopulating the planet, or selfishly consuming too many resources, or simply exhibiting religious zealotry. The odd thing is that, off the screen, large families are seldom the ones with wildly misbehaving children. In real life, they tend to be the orderly people with the polite children, the families in which older siblings can be seen caring for their little brothers and sisters without griping about it".

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