IVF children

As the father of an IVF child, discussions of IVF are a bit emotional for me. My IVF son is now 18 years old, 6' tall, blond, blue-eyed and well-built. He has just finished the first year of a science degree specializing in mathematics at a major Australian university -- where he got maximum marks for all his mathematics subjects. I could spit on the feminists and "ethics" dictators who have condemned IVF. Below is a short excerpt from an article by an IVF mother about a meeting of some IVF parents and children

"As part of her trip to Australia, Linda Reed and her talented daughter agreed to take part in a forum with other IVF and ART (assisted reproductive technologies) children, who talked about how it felt to be among the first generation of children born through the new technology. The children were grateful that persistent efforts to derail IVF (by feminist groups and Treasury bean counters, among others) failed and they took the opportunity to say: "Mum and Dad, thanks for having me."

They put out a statement urging the Government not to place too many restrictions on IVF, even for patients who haven't got much chance of success, because cracking the tough cases will lead to more progress and joy.....

The children at the forum were inspiring for their talents, their wit, their joy at being alive, and the pride they felt in their parents for being medical pioneers and making it so much easier for parents like me, who came a decade or more later".

Comments? Email John Ray

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