The new Intifada

Paris is burning, burning, burning..

Firefighters battle a fire in Aulnay-sous-Bois, near Paris on 4 November 2005

More cars and shops have been set alight in Paris' suburbs, as youths rioted for an eighth consecutive night.

Little Green Footballs describes it as the Paris Intifada, I like that, it's entering the 8th day, perhaps the french need to cede some ground and money and whatever else to satisfy the poor angry mobs. The rich parisians must cough up their money to help these poor rioters through life, what the hell do they expect, these misunderstood youth to work for a living!!

The muslims are asking for respect by burning and rioting. They "must be given the conditions to live with dignity as human beings", not in "disgraceful squats". Take note all you indians living in the slums of Calcutta and Mumbai, start burning and rioting, you must be given new homes and new lives.

Meanwhile the minister for Social Cohesion, (someone, please enlighten me, what the hell does the minister for Social Cohesion do), is taking a firm but understanding approach, not personally offcourse, but from the ministerial armchair.

Prime Minister de Villepin is pledging to restore order again, that means he's hoping the rioters either get tired of burning and go home, and/or all is burnt down and there is nothing left to burn.

President Chirac says "the absence of dialogue could lead to a dangerous situation". Now that's deep, Kofi would be proud.

French politicians are meeting and discussing, hardliners like Sarkozy are being sidelined, for being too tough on the poor rioters, he labelled them a 'rabble', the man must be a complete fool, thinking the rioting can be quelled by breaking some legs and kicking in some crotches. The man is clearly an oaf.

Crisis talk after crisis talk, passionate speeches, the classes and races are reaching out to each other, mutual respect, reconciliation and dialogue being the warm and fuzzy words thrown around, while the rioting continues and Paris is burning.

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