Saxton Spankers Bureau

It's been a couple of weeks since my last contribution to AWH, so I thought a quick reminder of why I call myself a bastard would be in order. Read on, mindless drones.

Looking for a witty, educated and entertaining speaker for your function, conference or presentation? Then don't go visiting the Saxton Spankers Bureau for help. Unless sycophantic sarcasm is your cup of tea. SSB has luminaries of such calibre as Russell Gilbert, Emma Tom, Sir Murray Rivers QC and Wil Anderson to spice up your next product launch or corporate event. You can be regaled with tales of derring do from Trevor Marmalade, socialist drivel from Tim Ferguson and any number of other current or former ABC hacks such as Libbi Gorr, Dave Hughes, Wendy Harmer, Jean Kittson, Lano and Woodley, Shaun Micallef, Peter Moon, James O'Loghlin, Gina Riley.....well fuck me if it isn't every 90's contemporary 'comic' from our ABC.

This is what happens when you believe too much of your own press. Entertainers that have contributed two-fifths of fuck all to the greater good purport to tell the engine room of this country's economy how to improve their performance? All you get out of these wind-bags is self-serving drivel that highlights their distinct lack of achievement. If I hired Libbi Gorr for anything, it would be to watch her do things to herself with farm-yard animals.

Harry M Miller. You sir, are a cunt.

Cross posted at Bastards Inc.

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