Have you ....

...ever read an article that just blew you away in it's entirety? You know you want to share it but after reading over it 10 to 15 times you still can't figure out which part to excerpt because every word is pure gold.

That was my reaction to Mark Steyn's newest article in The Spectator. Written before the deaths of Terri Schiavo and Pope John Paul, Steyn holds nothing back in going after Liberals, Andrew Sullivan, selective listening, euthanasia, and the problems with designating new life as a matter of "choice".

Public execution

... Nobody likes to see how the sausage is made, or in this case the vegetable, if that indeed is what Terri Schiavo is. Many people seem to be unusually anxious to pretend that this judicial murder is merely a very belated equivalent of a discreet doctor putting a hopeless case out of her misery, or to take refuge in the idea that some magisterial disinterested "due process" is being played out or as a reader wrote to me the other day: "Why are you fundamentalists so clueless? It's the law, dickbrain. Michael Schiavo isn't acting for himself; he's been legally recognised as the person qualified to act for Terri in expressing her wishes based on her own oral declarations. "

Which sounds fine and dandy, until you uncover your ears and a lot of the genteel euphemisms and legalisms and medicalisms "right to die", "guardian ad litem", "PVS" ' start to sound downright Orwellian. PVS means "persistent vegetative state", and because it's a grand official-sounding term it's been accepted mostly without question by the mainstream media, even though the probate judge declared Mrs Schiavo in a persistent vegetative state without troubling to visit her and without requiring any of the routine tests, such as an MRI scan. Indeed, her husband hasn't permitted her to be tested for anything since 1993. Think about that: this woman is being put to death without any serious medical evaluation more recent than 12 years ago.

La-la-la, we don't want to hear how the vegetable's made....

Go read the full article !!

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Email: bmn@dodgeit.com
Password: spectator

hat tip Michelle Malkin

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