More Amazing Muslim Science

Remember how, in socialist-dominated history classes, you learned about the dark ages? That murderous tantrum in European history where we evil whiteys just ran around, slaughtering each other?

If so, you'll probably also recall the set-piece spiel that the teacher gave regarding the Islamic Caliphate, which -- whilst busily conquering and slaughtering in nearly a dozen Christian lands -- was terribly sophisticated, the nice Islamic people within it doing lots of work to restore the lost works of the Classical Greeks, and making lots of wonderful, breathtaking scientific discoveries.

Before lapsing back into their own version of the dark ages, which has lasted until the present day. But your history teacher didn't dwell on that part.

Well, you will be glad to know that the tide is turning, and Islamic science is boldly reaching out, and making new discoveries. High on the list of topics explored is natural disasters.

Natural disasters, and how Christians are the ultimate cause of them, and how it would be terribly scientific to just wipe all us disaster-causing unbelievers out:
Assalamu 'Alaikum
That is really interesting - all those dates do revolve around the celebrations of the kuffar.

SubhanAllahi 'amma yasifoon wa 'amma yushrikoon

Originally Posted by IbnMardhiyah
Maybe its just natural population control.

Maybe, but Allah (SWT) has other ways of doing that with Mercy.
It's well known that earthquakes/and sending of Reeyaah (winds) have often been the ways Allah destroys people. Wallahu a'lam

We really need to clear this earth from Kufr, Allahumma asta'aan

Ps. Those other dates that are not bolded... maybe if the disasters were a form of punishment from Allah(SWT), then who knows, maybe the people were involved in so much shirk whch caused their ruin - e.g. from the faiths of buddhism, hinduism and chinese/japanese cults.
That thing about exterminating us. Say it a little louder, please. I couldn't hear you, sitting as I am in this missile silo, in a field filled with enough MIRV'ed nukes to turn your beloved Caliphate into a radioactive slag heap.

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