The BBC Is Disgusting

Al-Beeb hits bottom by lending its undeserved cachet as "the world's finest news organization" to looney-left Internet rumors that the US is somehow responsible for causing the recent tsunami in the Indian Ocean. "Why Did US Base Escape the Tsunami?" the Beeb helpfully insinuates:

Diego Garcia became a US military base in the 1970s
Following the tsunami, conspiracy rumours have been circulating on the internet of how the US base at Diego Garcia managed to avoid casualties while other islands suffered huge losses.

Yes, that's it -- the Beeb is now "into" reporting Interent rumors without a shred of evidence, as long as those same rumors spread hatred of the US. (As we all know, the Beeb has little use for "Internet" rumors if they make the UN or lefty newscasters like Dan Rather look bad -- and even if they are not just rumors and backed up with solid and convincing evidence.)

Even more despicably, the Beeb invites interactive comments from the usual array of US-hating moonbats with a series of truly foul leading questions:

Is America a power for good or ill in the world? Was there a malign hand at work, or has America's role in the crisis in fact been a model of humanitarian leadership.(sic)

Let us know what you think. Is this just anti-US sentiment on the web or something more worrying?

The Beeb has now officially entered David Icke territory.

Hat tip: Natalie at Biased-BBC.

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